
Running postman collections in Bamboo and generate HTML/Testrail report

  If you have a project in Bamboo and you want to run your api automation tests in postman by generating beautiful html report,  follow the steps given : Create a new plan for your project and go into the plan configuration mode in bamboo. In default Job field, we gone create two tasks. One job is for building docker image and another for running tests in the docker container. In order to add task, you need to click “ Add task ” button and search for  Docker . End result of the plan configuration 2. After you clicked into the first Docker task, you want to provide a  Dockerfile  in order to build the image for newman.  Newman  is a command-line collection runner for  Postman . The image for newman is available for download from docker hub, so you want to use  postman/newman  image as your base image. In your Dockerfile, you only need to point out the working directory and command for downloading npm package. In order to generate html re...